A/B Testing Data Driven Design and Development
Wed, Jun 22
This remote meeting is for anyone interested in learning more about Agile. Everyone can join remotely via ZOOM
Jun 22, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EDT
About the Event
Interested in having a conversation about how and why to add A/B testing to your workflow? Let’s discuss the benefits of this practice and how it can impact the development process to the best outcomes for your key performance metrics.
Bob Sarnack
Bob is a results focused Agile Coach, Scrum Master and QA / QC Analyst with vast experience analyzing business needs, recommending process improvements and implementing viable technical solutions across diverse industries. He is known for leading and facilitating highly effective Software Development teams by building trust and holding each other accountable. I work well across diverse multicultural groups and organizational levels.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/88210822884?pwd=QmZLZnFrRU1sc0tRamwwODlTQ3NMZz09
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Passcode: 548993
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Rick Regueira, PMP, CEC, (305) 785-1189 Chief Executive Coach
Free Ticket
$0.00Sale ended