Lean UX + Scrum
Wed, Apr 27
This remote meeting is for anyone interested in learning more about Agile. Everyone can join remotely via ZOOM
Apr 27, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM EDT
About the Event
Lean UX + Scrum: A Conversation with Josh Seiden and Erik Weber
Erik and Josh discuss the common objections to making "Discovery" and "Delivery" work together. Why does UX always have to be working ahead? Why do builders think of UX as a "nice-to-have?" Must we always have the answers to design and discovery questions before we start to build and deliver? How can we make this all work on one team, simultaneously, in a way that's both engaging for the team and iterates towards the desired outcome? Well, come find out. Bring your questions too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Josh Seiden and Erik Weber
Erik and Josh helped created the Professional Scrum with UX class that helps teams merge Discovery and Delivery. Josh is a designer, strategy consultant, coach, author and speaker. He's the co-author of Lean UX and co-founder of Sense & Respond Press. Erik is an agile executive, founder, investor, and Professional Scrum Trainer and consultant. He has started, scaled, and sold two health-tech companies, both built using Scrum.
Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95534041958?pwd=ejd4ZDJ4dEZ6dVQ3ZlFEMzRpMXhJQT09 ______________________
Rick Regueira, PMP, CEC, (305) 785-1189 Chief Executive Coach
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