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Outcome-Based Thinking - The Mantra for Successful Change

Outcome and output-centric thinking have been a long-debated way to success about which works better. Lucky for us, Victoria Stewart has explained thoroughly why we should switch to an outcome-based mindset. Its most simplified explanation focuses on the desired goal and designing the process by that idea. The primary purpose of the result-led approach is to reduce the frittered away time because organizations don't have a clear vision of what they are hoping to achieve and instead divert it to bettering the product.

Why Should You Start Thinking in the Outcome Mindset?

The more specific you can be about what you want, the better your chances of achieving it. With an outcome mindset, it is measurable if you are directed to the intended result, which will give you ample time for course correction to pivot when you know you are straying from the company's purpose. Rather than just a plan, an outcome is the most full-bodied form of a goal. What we mean by an "outcome" is that it serves to communicate our ultimate targets. In addition to helping us see and feel the result, it draws on the well-documented benefits of representation.

One thing is certain; the world is constantly transforming, so the consumers' needs and wants are inevitably shifting; therefore, if we are to center on the process, there will be not much room to try new methods, while product concentrated strategy gives us the free will to modify features anytime based on the change in the market or trend. The problem with traditional work culture is everything will be told on how it should be done, tasked to do something in a specific process, there is no creativity, no possibilities, yet organizations look for critical thinkers and problem-solvers; with this setup, teammates are not given a chance to explore. Outcome-driven organizations have so much space for everyone to scout new and better processes structured toward the aimed target.

Attainable Sound Outcome

The first thing to the efficiency of outcome mindset is to make sure; you have written an attainable target. While most have confused the wide-ranged and big goal as effective and timesaving, in the end, it is more likely to cause you to lose sight of your intended result. It will be easier to determine which must be resolved today and what could be parked for later if we have an achievable outcome. Staying realistic is a crucial component of aiming for huger growth.

No doubt about how hard it is to switch to outcome-driven thinking especially since most of us have engraved the output-centric culture, but this free meet-up gave the shortened and easiest guide on how to set up a good vision to kick start your outcome-focused mindset. Veronica explained Radhika Dutt’s “The Radical Product Thinking Approach to A Good Vision”. She has dropped some questions to help construct a well-written vision.

  • Whose world are you trying to change?

  • What does their world look like today?

  • Why is that status quo world unacceptable?

  • When will you know that you've achieved your vision?

  • How will you bring about this change?

Take inspiration from Radhika’s radical vision statement.


Concentrate on developing a mindset centered on the results you want to achieve to have a more concrete path to success. Make it a habit to regularly check in with yourself to determine the outcome you want to accomplish, and the more you press yourself to find the answer, the more entrenched in that mentality you will become.

Key Topics:

  • What Is An "Outcome"?

  • What's Outcome For Us?

  • Outcome Thinking

  • Personal Uses With Outcomes

  • Work-Related Uses With Outcomes

  • How To Make Outcomes Effective?

  • Vision Led Vs Iteration Led

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